

We aim to offer the best customised personal and institutional services per our client request. Our customers would choose a service according to their needs and pay for it. We welcome your queries to explore our standard and premium services for your individual and institutional needs. 

Current Rates

Our rates may vary for each service provided. Our services can be priced at

  • hourly rates
  • package rates
  • project & group rates (varies by size & scope)

Please email us at contact@aigconsultancy.com to discuss the right service for your personal and enterprise needs

Coaching & Consultancy

Individual Counselling/Coaching (Hourly)


Institutional Counselling/Coaching (Hourly) 

Group Coaching & Training (Varies by size & scope)

Business & Startup Consultancy (Hourly) 

Business planning, formation & registration (Varies by size & scope) 

Counselling Packages (per academic year):

Language Program & Boarding School Admission

(Application, registration & visa support for one school or program) 


3-Application Counselling Package  

(Unlimited admissions support for up to 3 degree programs from start to finish

5-Application Counselling Package    

(Unlimited admissions support for up to 5 degree programs from start to finish

10-Application Counselling Package 

(Unlimited admissions support for up to 10 degree programs from start to finish

Global Unlimited Counselling Package

(Unlimited admissions support for at least 20 degree programs from start to finish)

A la Carte Services

Portfolio & Application Review (Revision & Polishing)   

(Includes two (2) 30-minute meetings & two revisions with advice via email – Up to 5 hours work)


Admission Essay, Statement, Intent Letter & CV 

(Includes four (4) 30-minute meetings & two revisions with advice via email – Up to 10 hours work)



Scholarship & Fellowship Applications  

(Includes four (4) 30-minute meetings & two revisions with advice via email   Up to 10 hours work)


Research & Project Proposal (Revision & polishing)   

(Includes two (2) 30 minute meetings & two revisions with advice via email – Up to 10 hours work)


Research & Project Proposal (From start to finish) 

(Includes four (4) 30-minute meetings & four revisions with advice via email – Up to 25 hours work)
